Hi! I'm Jinghui (Albert) Yang (杨景辉). You may pronounce my name as "Jeeng-whee."
I’m a second-year PhD student in mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, advised by Mona Merling. Email: yangjh@sas.upenn.edu
My office is located in room 3C15 of the David Rittenhouse Lab. I am one of the organizers of the Graduate Geometry & Topology seminar at Penn.
I passed my oral qualifying exam in Dec 2024. See my syllabus here.
I received my B.S. in math from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 2021, and my M.S. in math from the University of Oxford, Jul 2022 (Thesis: Homotopy Groups of Spheres in Homotopy Type Theory).
Here is my CV (Last modified: Sep 2024).
I have two parallel areas of interest: homotopy theory and algebraic K-theory & topological cyclic homology. Specifically, I am interested in computations in algebraic K-theory via topological cyclic homology, as well as in computations within chromatic/equivariant (stable) homotopy theory and synthetic spectra.
Watch this funny video about Klein bottle made by myself!
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Aug 2023-present.
Advisor: Mona Merling.
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Oxford, Jul 2022.
Research Experience for Undergraduates, University of Chicago, Jun 2020 - Oct 2020.
Advisors: Peter May, Hana Jia Kong.
B.S. in Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Aug 2018 - May 2021.
I was awarded the Most Outstanding Student in Mathematics Major, Mar 2021. More Details...
I received my high school diploma from Hefei No.8 High School, Anhui, China. There, I spent three years and met my girlfriend.
Before transferring to the math major, I was a student in CS major. Here are some of the programming languages I can master with a corresponding skill level visualized in the progress bar.
I am a big fan of astronomy. Previously, I was the president of the astronomy club at the university. Below are some photographs (taken by members) of the observation of the Gemini Meteor Shower in Huairou, Beijing, organized by me in Dec 2017.